Film Recording for Creative Post
(Film Intermediate)

Gotham offers comprehensive Digital Film Recording services for creative post-production. Unleash the Magic of film in the digital age, digital files up to 8K recorded to motion picture film stock.


A stunning fusion of classic + contemporary, where every frame exudes the richness and character of traditional film.

Elevate your creative project with Gotham’s proprietary in-house filmout process, designed to give your project a unique, distinctive, and REAL celluloid image. Gotham’s creative digital recording process and proprietary in-house color science have been developed and refined one frame at a time since 2011.

Digital footage is recorded frame by frame onto either Camera Film, Intermediate Film, or Print Film, and the new negative is seamlessly scanned back to digital.

The result is a digital file that captures the true essence of traditional photochemical film, with its subtle nuances and distinctive rich characteristics (Grain, Color, Texture, Tonality, etc.).

This process opens up a whole new world of creative possibilities, allowing you to explore and express your vision in ways that embrace the classic charm of photochemical filmmaking. Give your work a signature look with captivating visuals that reflect the essence of traditional filmmaking, reimagined for today’s modern digital productions.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help your digital project shine on celluloid film.